The March-April 2013 CCIM CIRE Magazine is online. The cover story focuses on Distressed properties, and articles include:
Retail–and Waistline–Expansion: How many burgers can America eat?
- Taking Credit: Historic preservation tax incentives offer capital solutions
- Big Money on Campus: Student housing remains a lucrative investment
- Practice Due Decency: Playing nice can have a big pay-off.
- Coexisting with Coworking: Technology Solutions
- Niche Properties & Tourist Attractions: CCIMs’ local market knowledge adds value in well-traveled markets
- Dealing with Distress: CCIMs transform liabilities into profitable investments
- A Game of Risk: Will investors play ball in secondary and tertiary markets?
- Taxing Changes: Learn how new laws could affect real estate decisions
- Affordable Green Leasing: Sustainable upgrades aren’t just for institutional landlords
- Choices of a New Generation: Recently designated CCIM’s share career-building tips.
- Buyers Guide: Tablet Versatility
- Real Estate Gifting Realized: Bargain Sales