Cyber Security & Commercial Real Estate

From Cushman & Wakefield:

cushwakecybercreAlthough CRE professionals deal with the physical world and cyber security is very much a threat to the virtual world, the potential impacts to all areas of industry cannot be dismissed. As a rising issue on both the political and business agenda, this whitepaper highlights the following issues:

  • The changing face of cyber-threats; what was once anonymous individuals undertaking trophy hacks has morphed into co-ordinated groups with a political agenda, who have the technological ability to inflict large scale cyber-terrorism on government and corporate organisations
  • The potential shockwaves across all areas of business that would result from a high-profile coordinated cyber-attack.
  • The impact cyber threats have to CRE professionals as individuals, whether in work or personal life – how do they store their data? How well protected are they? Is the system robust enough or might they leaving a virtual door open to hackers looking to steal valuable data? And our individual responsibility to follow cyber-security standards to protect our organisation.
  • As less well-known but highly relevant effect of cyber-attacks, the potential damage that can be caused to physical property. With the advent of the “Internet of Things”, which holds huge potential to transform the way we control our daily lives, so too holds great opportunity for cyber criminal.
  • The strategies and action that can be taken to mitigate the potential risks

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