JLL Report Download | Data-centric CRE: A competitive imperative

From JLL’s Data-centric CRE: A competitive imperative:

jll datacentricData and analytics are transforming entire industries, and increasing productivity and profitability in organizations which embrace them. While some in corporate real estate (CRE) are tackling the data challenge, many organizations overlook the value of effective data generation, management and application. This paper explores the defining principles and key challenges of  data-driven CRE, and issues a call to action toward a more data-centric CRE function.

The 6 compelling reasons to be data centric:

1) Enables smart and reasoned decision making

2) Enhances CRE team productivity and persuasiveness

3) Extends reporting power and influence with senior business leaders and stakeholders

4) Strengthens investment cases and allows success to be measured

5) Allows future scenarios to be developed, modeled and assessed

6) Connects the physical portfolio to operations and wider business strategy

Download the report and explore in detail